A Coruña, Spain

Call for papers - SISAP 2023

16th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications

A Coruña, Spain, Oct 9-11, 2023


The International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP) is an annual forum for researchers and application developers in the area of similarity data management. It aims at the technological problems shared by numerous application domains, such as data mining, information retrieval, multimedia retrieval, computer vision, pattern recognition, computational biology, geography, biometrics, machine learning, and many others that make use of similarity search as a necessary supporting service. From its roots in metric indexing, SISAP has expanded to become the only international conference entirely devoted to all issues surrounding the theory, design, analysis, practice, and application of content-based and feature-based similarity search. Since 2021, SISAP has been a CORE Rank B conference.

SISAP traditionally allows for research papers (full and short), application papers (full and short), as well as demo (short), vision (short), and position (short) papers.

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as a volume in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Best papers will be awarded along with a monetary prize. A small selection of the best papers presented at the conference will be recommended for inclusion in a special issue of Information Systems. These extended versions will be subject to a second round of peer review at the journal.

Important Additional Scholarly Activities at SISAP

Invited speakers

Topics of interest

The specific topics include, but are not limited to:

Important Dates


Steering Committee

General Chair

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Doctoral Symposium Chair

Doctoral Consortium Committee

SISAP Indexing Challenge Chairs

Publicity Chair