Call for papers
Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished papers on their research in
similarity search and applications. Papers should present original research
contributions which bring out the importance of algorithms to applications. A small
selection of best papers will be recommended for inclusion in a special
issue a Journal dedicated to this conference.
Contributions to the conference should fall into the following categories:
- Full papers:
Basic techniques:
Basic techniques: general methods that apply to arbitrary metric spaces, nonmetric or (dis)similarity spaces, or high-dimensional vector spaces. Papers should bring out new algorithmic points that are motivated by the application. We strongly encourage that those be accompanied with an open-source implementation conforming the interface of the Web site and to be tested with a relevant subset of the spaces included in the Web site. This will favor uniform comparison and also permit comparing the technique with future developments.
Applied techniques:
Domain-specific spaces and similarities: papers that challenge and motivate for searching in new spaces (i.e. domain-specific similarity search). This type of contribution is expected to provide a thorough study of the non/metric space properties (e.g., its intrinsic dimension) or the similarity measure, and must include code for the similarity computation and datasets for the Web site. For this kind of paper a real-world domain-specific application of similarity search is strongly encouraged and expected (e.g., multimedia databases, (bio)chemical & medical databases, biometric databases, scientific & sensory databases, etc.).
Survey papers:
mixing applications with algorithms.
- Posters:
Domain-specific spaces and similarities: papers that challenge and motivate for searching in new spaces (i.e. domain-specific similarity search). This type of contribution is expected to provide a thorough study of the non/metric space properties (e.g., its intrinsic dimension) or the similarity measure, and must include code for the similarity computation and datasets for the Web site. For this kind of paper a real-world domain-specific application of similarity search is strongly encouraged and expected (e.g., multimedia databases, (bio)chemical & medical databases, biometric databases, scientific & sensory databases, etc.).
- Demos:
Similarity retrieval engines:
papers that present prototypical non-commercial engines entirely devoted to similarity search applications.
The presentation should cover the domains of applicability (e.g., image retrieval system), the architecture, scalability, user interfaces, optional comparison with similar engines, etc. This type of contribution must include either an installation package of the demo application+database, or must be installed as a web application accessible to the SISAP PC.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Range search
- knn search
- Limited-range knn search
- Reverse knn search
- New complex similarity query types
- Similarity joins
- Clustering (applied to indexing)
- Indexing based on hashing
- Parallelism & distributed algorithms
- Approximate searching
- Computation of intrinsic dimension
- Cost models
- Embeddings
- Languages for similarity databases
SISAP 2011 is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGSPATIAL and the papers are indexed in the ACM Digital Library.