CALL FOR PAPERS - Special Session for Industry
The 8th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications hosts also a special session devoted to industrial applications and case studies on similarity search.
Nowadays in industry environments the "similarity search" is currently leveraging several services and realizing core software component for different commercial fields such as digital libraries, preservation platforms and media archives. Based on similarity search approaches, many applications have been developed for automatic video classification, plagiarism detection, pattern recognition in still images, as well as for capturing user habits and behaviors looking for similar digital items in her media collections and social networks. Many stakeholders are setting up business providing specific services for media management already exploiting the similarity search techniques. Among others the professional video producers, broadcasters, media service providers, system integrators and the like. The industry session aims at collecting the industrial use cases and scenarios on the adoption of "similarity search" applications and to gather the related best practices in order to provide on the one hand an overview and advancements of the current use of these techniques and on the other hand to spot needs and new requirements for fostering research and development.Topics of interest
The specific topics include, but are not limited to:
- Media management
- Broadcasting video services
- Digital catalogues for space
- Digital archives and preservation platforms
- Image processing for similarity and pattern detection
- Change detection in images and videos
- Plagiarism detection
- Video processing related to security and surveillance aspects
- Biology and healthcare image processing application
- Audio processing for similarity search
- Image and video indexing and retrieval
Important Dates
Abstract submission: May 18, 2015 (Extended)Paper submission: May 25, 2015 (Extended)
Notification: June 29, 2015 (Extended)
Final version: July 19, 2015 (Extended)
Conference: October 12-14, 2015
Abstract submission: May 4, 2015